Monday 11 March 2019


The PRESENT CONTINUOUS TENSE is formed using the present tense of the verb “to be” with the -ing form of a verb (e.g. I am working).

This tense is also sometimes called the present progressive.

The present continuous tense is used for:

(1) describing what you are doing at the time you are speaking, e.g. “I am working to improve bus reliability in Romford, using new technology that tells the traffic signals if a bus is running late against its schedule.”


(2) describing a temporary state or action, e.g. “I have lost over £40,000 so far and at the moment I am living off savings after selling my house.”

(3) using with “always” to describe a habit, e.g. “I am always cooking and being creative.”

(4) describing future arrangements, e.g. “I am going to Germany in October and decided to book in August as I thought it would be cheaper.”

Photo credit: Steven’s Transport Photos

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