Saturday 2 February 2019


The expression “pigs might fly” (or “pigs will fly before”) is used to indicate that something is considered impossible or unlikely.


 It may have originated from a 17th century proverb, “pigs fly in the air with their tails forward” [1].


 “In fact, pigs might fly the day Mario Kart Deluxe 8 slips beneath the £35 mark.”

 “So much for Coventry wanting to become the Sporting City of Europe — pigs might fly!”

 “It’s a concept that has no doubt raised the eyebrows of some of the old guard who think ‘pigs will fly’ before there would be a local market for NT beef.”

 [1] “pigs” in The Oxford Dictionary of Phrase and Fable. Oxford University Press, 2005.

 Photo credit: Brad Smith (Creative Commons)

 Updated Sunday 08 March 20

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